
Chest Workouts

Chest Workouts

Chest Workout

Chest Workout 1

Chest Workout

Chest Workout 2

Chest Workouts

Chest Workout 3 – Coming Soon

Warm Up

✅ Start with a weight that is easy and does not cause strain or heavy breathing.

Reverse Pyramid

✅ On your first heavy weight: Do a weight that you can do 4-6 reps. Then decrease the weight by 10% for each of the following reps. Once you hit the max you can do, increase your weight. Rinse and repeat as you get stronger.

Rest Pause

✅ Rest Pause is 4 Rounds. The first set is larger and the other three are smaller. The weight stays the same for all rounds. If you can do 12 Reps and 6 Reps with only 15 seconds of rest easily, then increase the Rep count to 14 and 7.


✅ You have Two Options: Option 1: You can do 1 Set of 60 OR Option 2: 3 Sets of 20 (you can mix it in between the exercises as you do the workout)

Chest Workout
Chest Workouts
Chest exercises

Chest Workouts